Under The Skin

My outside skin no longer fitted me well,

didn’t always represent me

didn't look like I still feel

like I still am.

So I dispensed with it,

wrote it off,

turned it

inside out

and now I’m intact

in the pink


at last

I think.

And therefore I am

the same person

under the skin.

I’m sure I am.

The outside has changed

but inside my skin

I am still intact

in the pink

of myself 

as before.

I think

I am.



  1. Whether or not you’re pink inside
    doesn’t really matter a whole lot,
    girl gorgeous; You’re still stunning
    to me when we wiseabove to 7thH.

    I’d absolutely love to love you4hours:
    + rawwdude.blogspot.com +
    Cya soon, girl gorgeous...


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