
Showing posts from 2025
  Penetration You tell me I can look inside you penetrate you, delve amongst what’s hidden there, know you. And yes, I know you. Know that you hide yourself   in subterfuge. Know there’s both fantasy and fact in the mixture you expose in your stories. And they’re hidden inside. I know that you bar the door,   and don’t let anyone in. Make up stories. Or spit out what comes first   into your head. Let it escape. Then, if it’s true,   hide it, cloak it in make believe,   in fantastic lies. So no one knows   you. Yes, I can see inside, see the grand mixture of nonsense, of deceit and anxiety,   truth and concern for privacy. But I can’t separate out one from   the other. And it doesn’t matter, you see, I like the mystery. But you are wrong to think that when I look inside you I know who you are. Only that you are a mystery. And that I like mysteries. I can understand them.
  A Disappointing Day If they hadn’t asked her to smell the nice scent. If she hadn’t remembered the scent from before. There would have been   no screams, no stamping   up and down on the trolley. The nurse would still   have her cap on and the doctor would have no fist or feet marks on his white coat, no red hand mark on his pale cheek. There would have been no shock, horror reports to those who had put away Red Riding Hood and were waiting anxiously for news of their little girl. But they did ask her. They did ask her. The scent wasn’t nice. She knew it. And there was no ice cream afterwards either. They’d lied about that as well. A disappointing day.
  Family History It’s all about connections. If we can only find them we can all find our dynasty we can all trace our family back to it’s royal beginnings see their place in that dynasty through their connections. If we can only find them we can all be back there then. If we can only make them we can all be there now.
  Power Man The figure bristles with power, unmistakable  untouchable the spirits and demons held close inside him to be released at his command. But only in Africa. When he leaves, stolen taken then he’s powerless like all those other stolen ones. So much power left behind in Africa.
  Then And Now Once we were free               somewhere else                         or so they say. Then we were slaves               somewhere closer                        or so they say. Then we were freed                somewhere near                        or so they say. And now, what are we now                here? And what am I now a young woman                here? I don’t feel free                here                      whatever they’re saying now. I listen out f...
  For Nina Stand up and be counted party in the grass tell it like it is with no half measures dance   naked if you want to sing sing sing to be heard live as you wish to be remembered.
  At The Heart Of The Fire Gather round the hearth it’s a cosy place when the heart of the fire  flames hot and bright. And we’ll keep it burning, that home fire. Watch  closely  let yourself be hypnotised bewitched be mesmerised by the flickering flames, waving and dancing around the heart. Listen to them  as they crackle and scream as a living fire must. Gather round, never fear only feed the flames.
  Those Sighs There’s a space in me where love has left  a hole in my heart where a flame once burned. I sigh. But still the bird sings even in the dark. I sigh waiting for a song to fill the space love left. I sigh holding my heart. Oh, those sighs.