That Was Us That was us who wandered through Europe without maps or money, or sense of direction. Who got lost a lot, but didn’t get raped or murdered. So far as we can remember. Who charmed hoteliers into letting us stay for free. Who got up early (too cold to sleep), and cleaned the kitchen and the floors of the hostel in Laumiere for the first time in many years. Then sat on the stairs and said ‘No Pasaran’ to everyone, until it had dried, explaining carefully in languages we did not speak, why this was necessary. Who, with wide eyed innocence and impressively bad French failed to understand the policemen’s demands, ‘Vos papiers, s’il vous plait, vos papiers!’ Until our new friends with the nice smiles and no papers had disappeared. ‘Vos papiers, s’il vous plait, vos papiers!’ Sod off! That was us who swam off the rocks, with a man we’d met in a cafe, because he said we could. And swam and swam until two policemen cam...