Crossing Over Running downhill, on and on, the orange sun bearing down on me. Scorching me, burning me up until I come to a river cold with ice. Icy water flowing too fast. Too fast. Faster than I can run. Flaming under that bridge. A bridge to somewhere from here, from where I am. But where is here or there? And is the bridge real or a bridge of dreams. Or, a bridge for my dreams, leading nowhere. If I cross over will I plummet into the nowhere on the other side. Shall I try? Or shall I stay here running looking for the light until I find it. https://uglywriters.com/2022/12/31/crossing-over/?fbclid=IwAR16QlkTmOeA5INGBRR1hKIThoM05BhZFNHbE4J3kxDhFGy6tsS7GkcH14s