
What shall I be,

soldier, sailor, 

clown, maybe.

Grey suit, or blue,

tailored jacket, short skirt.

Hippie, maybe.

Now there’s a uniform!

Everyone different,

not conforming

no one leading


But, wearing the same 


the signifiers,

of non conformity.

The badges

that identify those

waving the flag,

or burning it.

Beads and bangles,

shell suits, jeans, 

leggings, jeggings, posh frocks,

taking us to our comfort zone,

Finding for us the warmth we crave.

A part or apart. 

Perhaps we are all figments

as made up and tailored as the 

uniform we choose.

Even when we change,

it’s hard

not to

choose a uniform

hard not to follow

the crowd.

If I lead them

will they still

be uniformed?



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