The Last Devil To Die
I have known so many devils,
Hitler, Stalin, Kissinger, Pinochet
and now Netanyahu.
And then there are those
with histories or geographies
beyond me.
It seems there is no end to them
that one begets the other
in a prodigious male line
straight from Satan up to Earth,
there to make a new Hell,
there to be fed,
groomed and protected
by politicians
in their own interest,
by corporations
in their own interest
and by countless others
in their own interests
in the country they call home.
They’re like a queen honey bee,
her own ordinary egg
fed by Workers,
groomed by Carers,
protected by Soldiers.
It’s nurture not nature
that makes her queen
and keeps her queen
while she is useful.
Then they kill her
and breed another
and so it goes
on and on and on.
If die it must,
I see the last devil
swallowed by an angel
and shit out into the fire
they all helped to create.
All will burn in the end
if there is an end to it all.
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