St George And The Dragons

A long time ago

St George killed all the dragons in England.

All of them,

the black ones, 

the green ones

and the white.

He killed all the dragons in Sweden

and in the Middle East.

He killed all of them,

the black ones,

the green ones

and the white.

But the red dragons defeated him,

hid in the rainy Welsh mountains.

Leapt out and ambushed him.

Bent his sword with the heat

of their fire.

Ate up his horse,

so that he had to run away,

slipping and sliding over the wet rocks,

into the muddy dense wood

in fear.


the red dragons defeated him

and left him hiding in his cave,

in fear.


come for a walk with me.

This is the dragon’s country.

They are very shy these days,

even though St George is long gone

and they have nothing to fear.

Come for a walk with me

and I will show you dragons

when I find them.

I know that

it’s only a matter of time.


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