Symphony of Secrets

Do you have a secret life,

with secret places explored 

only by yourself?

Do you?

Tell me about it,

let me in.

No you can’t,

of course you can’t,

it’s a secret.

Only you can go there.

So I must imagine

your secret life for myself.

May I?

Perhaps a house

with another family in it.

Perhaps a box hidden

under the floor


old love letters 

or pornographic magazines

Am I getting warm?

Of course you won’t say.

Well, you can’t say.

For you are part of 

my secret life.

My imaginings,

my dreams and fantasies.

And they are part of me.

As real to me as the life I expose.

but no one can go there.

They’re my secrets.

What about you?

Do you have a secret life?

Do you?


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