Never Never Land


My sister has gone to Never Never Land

It’s where all the lost children go,

those who don’t find their way home

and those who fade away and die

like the wild flowers I pick for the house.

My mother says 

they stay children for ever

and can play all day long.

My sister was allowed to take her trike with her

even though it was all smashed up.

My mother says

the magic people there will fix it.

It sounds like fun there

but my mother says

she will never let me go,

not even if I find a magic carpet

to carry me up into the sky.

Perhaps she thinks I’m getting too old to go there.

She says that the children there will grow wings 

and become angels,

I think angels are a bit like fairies,

and when my sister gets her wings

she will fly back home

so we can be together again.

My mother says, no, never,

but I don’t know.


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