Breathless In this new society of masks and miasmas we are being suffocated with pillows of power and prejudice, hardly hidden, in the institutions we were told would protect us all. Some of us believed it. But the old masks are off now, forced off the face by lies. All they hid is exposed. We know it now. So we put on our mask carefully to protect ourselves. Before we show them. We know now that we are all George Floyd potentially later or sooner. And we know we are all his killers potentially later or sooner unless we look behind the masks. https://literaryyard.com/…/breathless-and-our-street-poems/… By: Lynn White Breathless In this new societyof masks and miasmaswe are being suffocatedwith pillows of powerand prejudice,hardly hidden,in the institutionswe were told would protectus all.Some of …