Two Sides to the Story

There are always two sides to every story,

you said.

The marchers were armed.

The marchers were aggressive.


Faced with tanks.

Faced with soldiers in full combat gear.

Faced with snipers armed with live ammunition.


Armed with only stones,

and only some of them.

There are always two sides to every story,

you said.

They were going to storm the border.

There was going to be a mass invasion.


Two sides

to every story?

Do you really believe that

for a demonstration of unarmed people

marching along their own border

when the snipers and soldiers and tanks 

are already waiting.


There were terrorists amongst them 

waiting to cross over

intent on doing us harm,

you said,

there are two sides two every story.


Would the harm be similar 

to the tens who were killed

and the hundreds that were injured?

We have a right to defend our border,

You said, and yes,

there are always two sides to every story.

Every story.

Well ok, fine,

if that’s what you think,

you will want to hear it for the Nazis then!

No! That’s not what you meant.

That story stands alone

one sided.

Really? No!

It’s not alone.

Not really.


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