Superman With Angel’s Wings

It’s a place that needs a superman

a superman with angel’s wings

giant wings

big enough to fold

their soft feathers around it

encircle it 

in a feathery hug

keep it safe

lift it up

paint out the grey

and bring it back to what it was


before the crash

took away the colour

took away the joy

took away the hope.

An angel alone couldn’t do it.

It wouldn’t have the strength.

Superman alone couldn’t do it.

He didn’t have the wings

to spread and circle

this place 

to comfort it

to hold it safe

to lift it up.

It’s a place that needs 

a superman with angel’s wings

to perform the miracle

and then fly away

to the next place.


  1. Not two much of a poet...
    yet I gotta lotta bodacious
    news4youse, gorgeous:

    As I literally experienced Heaven
    at 15! as a NearDeathExperiencer,
    lemme tella youse summoe
    without d'New Joisey axent
    wot2Xperience in d'starry sky
    Fyoo wannum. Who?
    WhoDya think, babe?
    ● ●
    Cya soon, ya gorgeous wildflower.
    Meet me Upstairs; lets schmooze.


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