The Neighbourhood of Make-Believe

My grandma said I lived in a dreamworld.

But it was just a different neighbourhood

one where almost anything could happen,

one where almost anything could be found.

Even so I’d searched the rainbows for so long,

I’d given up hope of finding it

and then it happened!

It was sitting there

on the top shelf 

in grandma’s kitchen,

in her own neighbourhood,

just waiting to be discovered.

It was hidden in a brown jug.

Such an ordinary

piece of crockery.

The perfect place

for my grandma

to hide her secret.

As I reached up to bring it down, 

some of the contents spilled out 

in a scatter of golden buttons 

gleaming so much more brightly

than the foil wrapped chocolate ones

I was used to.

I felt guilty to have discovered it

before she shared her secret.

I knew she would share it.

She always did.

Perhaps their light would capture rainbows.

I would have a surprise for her then,

a secret to share

when she returned

to our neighbourhood.


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