Lynn White  Shadow

M. Since when do you write? What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

Probably two possibly contradictory experiences. From when I was 11, I had two longish bus journeys to school. In the early days (when I was punctual!) lots of working men were also on the bus into town. There
was a conversation. One was having a mega moan (which I don’t remember). He finished by complaining about the huge amount of income tax he had to pay. His companion replied sardonically with: “I wish I did”. So I was impressed that a few words spoken with humour/irony can have more power and be more thought provoking than a long carefully planned piece. Secondly – at school for A Level literature we studied D H Lawrence. Now he’s a wordy writer, but his words are so beautifully evocative that he brings his communities to life and makes the reader understand the world being lived in. That’s really powerful. He upset a lot of people as well by his words, so I suppose that could be seen as his power in action!

I have written since Primary School!

M. Do you consider yourself a compass or a map writer?

I’ve never really thought about it but maybe a bit of both!

M. In your workday, how much time do you spend writing?

It’s very variable. I constantly edit a piece I’m working on, usually reading it 2 or 3 times a day but only a few minutes each time. I spend more time on reading and responding to submission calls and promotion.

M. Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

No, I would like my name to be known!

M. Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I want to be original but there is always a source of inspiration – an event, prompt,  something I’ve read, for eg. When I submit my poetry I try to choose work that seems in keeping with the publication’s ethos.

M. Tell us about your latest project. Are you working on a new one now?

I have written many poems about the Gaza conflict and may write more. At the moment I’m working on a couple of poems inspired by music.

M. What would you say is your hallmark as a writer?

Well, it’s more the things I avoid! For example I don’t like the use of archaic language and don’t like line breaks which result in a solid block of writing. I hope my work is accessible and meaningful.

M. Do you think that accessing the reader who reads on a tablet, computer or mobile phone, in different spaces, (train, bus, metro) can help you be more read?

Yes, possibly, although phones can be awkward for displaying the shape of the poem.

M. Do you think Masticadores’s bet in the search for that digital reader is correct? What’s your opinion about it?

I really like it. It’s beautifully produced and seems to have lots of readers.

M. What has your participation as a writer in Masticadores given you?

Access to a different audience.


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