Africa Is Everywhere

The factories closed for two weeks each summer

and it was off to the seaside then!

They would head for the beach and hire a deck chair

there were no sun-beds back in those days

and there they would sit on shell laden sands,

the women in cotton frocks 

and the men in grey flannels, sandals with socks

and a sleeves rolled up, open necked shirt,

there were no tee shirts back then

and shorts were too daring for the over twenties.

And most likely it was too cool in any case.

The sun could be bright though

so the women had a straw hat ready,

but this was too exotic 

and extravagant for the men,

newspaper fashioned into a sailing boat shape

was de rigour for them.

And so one way or another 

eyes were shielded

from the occasional brightness.

Nowadays the sun has grown angry,

too bright for our eyes.

It rages fiercely threatening all in its view.

Africa is everywhere now

and soon sun-beds will be out of fashion.

It’s too hot now,

too darn hot.


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