
She was flattered,

flattered by his power and passion

as she watched him

master the currents and swim across

guided by her light

every night of that long hot summer.

He brought her flowers,

sweet smelling oleanders.

She knew they’d been culled

from her garden

but his audacity amused her

and so she gave in to temptation 

and invited him in

every night during that long hot summer.

But later their ardour cooled.

He found the water too cold

and she found him too cold.

So she turned out her light.

It no longer shone for him

and he knew it.

But on the night of the storm

he thought he saw it again

and so, tempted and mis-guided

by the fairy lights

he braved the cold tempest.

She mourned his loss

thinking that to join him in death 

would be her final temptation.

but then she turned away

and cut all the oleander flowers.

They would join him in the water,

and be a fitting memorial 

not her, 

no, not her.



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