Where Am I? Where shall I sit in this place I don’t know. Which side of the aisle Should I be. Or should I be at the front conducting the ceremony like a lecture. I’ve done that often enough when I knew where I was. Or maybe I should stand at the back ready for a quick getaway. I couldn’t do that at my wedding, but if it’s my funeral I think that’s the best place for me. But is it? So difficult to know. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1091118191/ref=sr_1_4… About This Website AMAZON.COM The Stray Branch: Spring/Summer 2019 Poetry by Adam Levon Brown, Adrian Slonaker, Barbara Gurney, Carol Oberg,Christina Maria Kosch, Eduardo Escalante, Erren Geraud Kelly,Gary Beck, Gerard Caronna, John Grey, Joseph K. Wells, Julianne Fern Basile, Kellay Briggs, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Linda M. Crate,Liz Hargrove, Lynn White, Marc Car...