Birth Or Death Death begins at birth for pro-lifers. The birth day is when interest is lost lost in those post foetal post natal moments which move us crying into hours smiling into days crawling into months running into years walking into decades slowing toward our death day. They’ve long lost interest these pro-lifers. They say that life must be lived according to the law of God as it is written and dispatched to them in nightmares and dreams. Only break it and they’re back with interest and concern those pro-deathers. https://headlinepoetryandpress.com/…/roe-v-wade-related-bi…/ Death begins at birth for pro-lifers. The birth day is when interest is lost lost in those post foetal post natal moments which move us crying into hours smiling into days crawling into months runn… HEADLINEPOETRYANDPRESS.COM Roe v. Wade-related | Birth or Death, a poem by Lynn White Death begins at birth for pro-lifers. The birth day is when interest is lost lost in t...