Miss Pass
My first best friend was Susan.
We were inseparable.
Soon we would be starting school.
Starting at the same school.
It shouldn't be a problem.
But Susan was three months older
and this was a problem.
She must start earlier
and we would be parted.
Such concern from our parents.
But all was well.
It wouldn't be a problem.
And all thanks to Miss Pass,
the headmistress,
a wonderful woman
who understood the feelings
of small children.
We could start together
and in the same class.
She was a shining example
to teachers everywhere.
We knew it as we hung our coats
on pegs next to each other
in the cloakroom.
But a few days later
when we had settled in,
disaster struck.
We were to be in different classes.
Such tears and trauma
as we hugged and kissed
and said goodbye at our pegs
in the cloakroom
each morning and afternoon.
And all because of Miss Pass,
the headmistress,
a stupid woman
who had no idea about the feelings
of small children
and should never have been allowed
to be a teacher anywhere.
We knew it as we hung our coats
on pegs next to each other
in the cloakroom.
- See more at: http://www.pikerpress.com/article.php?aID=6305#sthash.y92oq327.dpuf
My first best friend was Susan.
We were inseparable.
Soon we would be starting school.
Starting at the same school.
It shouldn't be a problem.
But Susan was three months older
and this was a problem.
She must start earlier
and we would be parted.
Such concern from our parents.
But all was well.
It wouldn't be a problem.
And all thanks to Miss Pass,
the headmistress,
a wonderful woman
who understood the feelings
of small children.
We could start together
and in the same class.
She was a shining example
to teachers everywhere.
We knew it as we hung our coats
on pegs next to each other
in the cloakroom.
But a few days later
when we had settled in,
disaster struck.
We were to be in different classes.
Such tears and trauma
as we hugged and kissed

in the cloakroom
each morning and afternoon.
And all because of Miss Pass,
the headmistress,
a stupid woman
who had no idea about the feelings
of small children
and should never have been allowed
to be a teacher anywhere.
We knew it as we hung our coats
on pegs next to each other
in the cloakroom.
- See more at: http://www.pikerpress.com/article.php?aID=6305#sthash.y92oq327.dpuf
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