Running On Empty We take care how we fill our shoes. Our trainers and boots. Our flats and heels, stilettos and cuban. They may match our mood, specially chosen, or be eternal representations of our unified self. So surely something of us must remain when they are emptied. Not just our smells and mis-shapes, evocative as they are, but something more fundamental. Something spiritual. Something symbolic. See here empty shoes laid out tidily in rows. Blocked together on a grass field or concrete yard. Rows upon rows of them that once contained the school children now shot dead, our children. See here empty shoes piled high in untidy heaps. Heaps and heaps of them, that once contained peaceful people now massacred, bombed, burned. Our people spanning place and time without end. https://pondersavant.com/2019/11/17/lynn-white-ltnc-series/