Death at Work Such a terrible thing, to go to work and not come home. To put yourself in danger, risk a fall or an infection just to do your job, earn your bread without hurting anyone. An accident happened or someone was negligent. So much grief unheard except by those close. Personal grief staying personal. Maybe some were heroes, maybe not. Some good, some less so. Just people. Soldiers though, they are always heros, especially when dead. Those sent out to kill for the politicians and the generals. It's automatic, goes with the territory, whoever's territory it is. Heroes when they kill the other guys. Heroes again when the other guys kill them. Murdered heroes the courts say now, unlawfully killed killed by criminals who should be brought to justice. Not corporate manslaughter to be forgotten. Criminals or someone else's heroes. Depends on your territory. https://iamnotasilentpoet.wordpress.com/2016/12/29/death-at-work-by-lynn-white/